Since i started blogging. My first ever post went like this. And after that i've been happy to blog.
I've always wanted of a blog, though, then i didn't know it was called a blog... way back in form 5 (2003), before blogs were as common as it is today, i've always wanted to have my own website, my online diary. I did have a... what's it called... Geocities webpage and i did blog a bit there but it was so mafan i didn't bother to continue.
Of course, i knew that this will not be the same as diary writing. So, at first, i kept it... not too personal, relatively on the surface and vague, so vague i don't remember what i wrote about. Also kept it as an outlet to commemorate happy times and make others feel good...
Of course, i've Blog-gossipped before (which is wrong so will not link to it, but it's in May 2005 if u wanna busybody)... And i've also put myself into a mess, which almost led me to stop blogging as well...
I've tried to do good deeds by raising issues/create awareness and all that through my blog but realized that i'm not very good at it (like Sunday's post).
Since then i've left the awareness and justice to others and i focused on blogging about my life. Recently i found out that there are so many other pink blogs around and i'm a little annoyed...
I felt a strong urge to change my whole blog skin. Make it another colour...
But nope, i will not let that influence me. My blog will stay pink. And i will write about what i love writing about, i will continue to write what i want to remember, because at the end of the day... it is me i'm writing for. It is I who will read my archives (i bet u don't).
I'll only write about charities i'm passionate about. I want my blog posts to be sincere, from the bottom of my heart.
Like those charity wristbands and donating blood... and if i can i would love to go for a bone marrow scan (and would write about it)... to help those who need a bone marrow transplant. But please don't ask me to blog about the stuff in the papers... the post below seems so forced.
One thing about my blog will always stay the same, i'll always write about the stupid things i did. As well as the really stupid things i did.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The MMS entitled 'balai polis' that's highly blogged about. First read about it when i was at work and was disgusted. "How can that police woman do that?" was the first thought that went through my mind.
Many people blogged about it already... and i... want to be able to give intelligent views as well. So i read most articles (25th-27th November) i can find about the issue in the NST and The Star before writing. Reading made me even more confused.
I don't like what i've read. Turns out, it is procedure (page 3 New Sunday Times) to strip and do those squats here and in several other countries.
All i can say that at least there are no cover-ups. The issue is all over the front page for 2-3 days. It is a consolation that the news is not like they burried the news somewhere in the papers.
Many people blogged about it already... and i... want to be able to give intelligent views as well. So i read most articles (25th-27th November) i can find about the issue in the NST and The Star before writing. Reading made me even more confused.
I don't like what i've read. Turns out, it is procedure (page 3 New Sunday Times) to strip and do those squats here and in several other countries.
All i can say that at least there are no cover-ups. The issue is all over the front page for 2-3 days. It is a consolation that the news is not like they burried the news somewhere in the papers.
9th Day at Work // Why i Didn't Blog Yesterday
Brother went to toilet so i guess i can blog a bit. Haha, long story. Can't say much... except that the 9th day at work pretty much sucked, the bigger boss came bearing bad news... we had more calls than ordinary to make.
Still, i dun care, i will not work through my lunch break. Eating only took me 15mins. I'm not getting back to work right away like the others. I WENT SHOPPING! Hahaha... u know those very very IN, bohemian skirts?? I bought one for only RM30. Original price was RM59.90... 50% off man!! =) And i still got back to work 10mins b4 lunch break ends.
And the supposedly super fast way i found out on Thursday turned turned out to be super long way on Friday, i have no idea, why. It was so frustrating, so unpredictable. Dontcha just hate KL roads??
Oh and one of my friends at work asked if there was any bloggers among us colleagues... i kept silent... i mean... i certainly don't want my blog to be seen at work... and... no one, except E has read my blog in front of me... i don't know how 2 handle their reactions... and... i normally don't promote my blog (except for the Rush tickets, i think)... most of u found my blog through other blogs or through my Friendster blog right?? And of course there MAY be random viewers???
So, she said that she likes to read blogs with life's lessons and not those that goes "i got up in the morning, brushed my teeth, pangsai..."
PERSONALLY LA, that's what i have been trying to do, keeping a blog with lesssons. But then again... this is the way I see it. U may think differently right??
I dare not announce i keep a blog cuz what if i... don't meet her expectations? What if i'm one of those pangsai blogs? Pangsai=shit, by the way. And... err... all my feelings regarding work are written here as i never thought anyone of them would read my blog. Embarrasing la if they knew i wanted to cry so often... they go through the same stuff after all and i dun think they are babyish about it like me.....
Wah, my bro is still in the toilet?? So long ar? Bad stomach ache ar? Good, good (for me), can blog more! Hehe.
So, the reason why i didn't blog yesterday...
Hahaha, my sis was chatting with me most of yesterday night, she's so cute, telling me all about her trip to the safari zoo in Melacca. And then we were playing a fool with this little new toy she got...
It's soooooo cute... and it's sticky. If u throw it onto the mirror it's stick. Sticks to your hand too.
Then i started yawing la... tired after a week's worth of work. So i said i wanted to sleep and she wanted to sleep with me...
So we slept and today i found these pictures in the camera, my mom loves taking photos of sleeping people.

Look the way we sleep, similar huh??! Wow, even i was shocked with how alike we sleep when i saw the photos. Haha, this is why my mom likes taking photos of the family sleeping.
Oh and OOOOOPS, my bro wasn't in the toilet after all, he was in my study room... hope my typing didn't disturb him!!
Still, i dun care, i will not work through my lunch break. Eating only took me 15mins. I'm not getting back to work right away like the others. I WENT SHOPPING! Hahaha... u know those very very IN, bohemian skirts?? I bought one for only RM30. Original price was RM59.90... 50% off man!! =) And i still got back to work 10mins b4 lunch break ends.
And the supposedly super fast way i found out on Thursday turned turned out to be super long way on Friday, i have no idea, why. It was so frustrating, so unpredictable. Dontcha just hate KL roads??
Oh and one of my friends at work asked if there was any bloggers among us colleagues... i kept silent... i mean... i certainly don't want my blog to be seen at work... and... no one, except E has read my blog in front of me... i don't know how 2 handle their reactions... and... i normally don't promote my blog (except for the Rush tickets, i think)... most of u found my blog through other blogs or through my Friendster blog right?? And of course there MAY be random viewers???
So, she said that she likes to read blogs with life's lessons and not those that goes "i got up in the morning, brushed my teeth, pangsai..."
PERSONALLY LA, that's what i have been trying to do, keeping a blog with lesssons. But then again... this is the way I see it. U may think differently right??
I dare not announce i keep a blog cuz what if i... don't meet her expectations? What if i'm one of those pangsai blogs? Pangsai=shit, by the way. And... err... all my feelings regarding work are written here as i never thought anyone of them would read my blog. Embarrasing la if they knew i wanted to cry so often... they go through the same stuff after all and i dun think they are babyish about it like me.....
Wah, my bro is still in the toilet?? So long ar? Bad stomach ache ar? Good, good (for me), can blog more! Hehe.
So, the reason why i didn't blog yesterday...

Then i started yawing la... tired after a week's worth of work. So i said i wanted to sleep and she wanted to sleep with me...
So we slept and today i found these pictures in the camera, my mom loves taking photos of sleeping people.

Look the way we sleep, similar huh??! Wow, even i was shocked with how alike we sleep when i saw the photos. Haha, this is why my mom likes taking photos of the family sleeping.
Oh and OOOOOPS, my bro wasn't in the toilet after all, he was in my study room... hope my typing didn't disturb him!!
Friday, November 25, 2005
7th and 8th Day at Work
Yesterday, the 7th was horrible. Was told i'm not supposed to write 4.30 in my timesheet, time has 2 end with 00... like 5.00 or 6.00. Felt so screwed. Worried i wouldn't get paid for my 7th hour for Mon n Tues. And i worked extra time without pay yesterday outta fear...
Got stuck in a horrific jam on the way home, some stupid driver of a nice blue car drove up the curb and got stuck there... stupid idiot. I took an alternative way home... but took a wrong turn n ended up in Petaling Street. It was really shitty slow... i sent my mom and E so many smses cuz i was barely moving.
I was begging my mom to force me to study!! I really want to be able to afford any comfortable condo i fancy near where ever i work. So i don't have to get stuck in any jam at all.
Hey i cant blog la stupid bro says my typing is too loud. I haaaaaaaaaaate him. Stupid la, he's taking spm. So angry!Expect me to type softly... which would mean i have to type shit slow. So angry. So irritating. I have work tomorrow therefore i don't have that much time to type this slowly. Annoying.
Urg... summary la. Er... was stuck on the road 4 abt 1 and a half hours yesterday.
Today... boss told me it's ok for Monday's and Tuesday. But i don't dare leave early again. I took the right turn and reached home so early! So happy. Abt 40mins on the road.
Ohh yeah. Chocolate.
There, i blogged abt chocolate, now i except to see 6 comments again! Hahahaha.
Got stuck in a horrific jam on the way home, some stupid driver of a nice blue car drove up the curb and got stuck there... stupid idiot. I took an alternative way home... but took a wrong turn n ended up in Petaling Street. It was really shitty slow... i sent my mom and E so many smses cuz i was barely moving.
I was begging my mom to force me to study!! I really want to be able to afford any comfortable condo i fancy near where ever i work. So i don't have to get stuck in any jam at all.
Hey i cant blog la stupid bro says my typing is too loud. I haaaaaaaaaaate him. Stupid la, he's taking spm. So angry!Expect me to type softly... which would mean i have to type shit slow. So angry. So irritating. I have work tomorrow therefore i don't have that much time to type this slowly. Annoying.
Urg... summary la. Er... was stuck on the road 4 abt 1 and a half hours yesterday.
Today... boss told me it's ok for Monday's and Tuesday. But i don't dare leave early again. I took the right turn and reached home so early! So happy. Abt 40mins on the road.
Ohh yeah. Chocolate.
There, i blogged abt chocolate, now i except to see 6 comments again! Hahahaha.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
5th & 6th Day at Work // Buffet Dinner
So the plan worked. Worked 7 hours and got home much much earlier.
No, actually i didn't get home early... i... errr... went to E's house! HAHA. Watched Desperate Housewives SEASON TWO EPISODE 7. Hehehe. Nice.
So i spent less time on the road la. Today, i left earlier, at around 4.20? Cuz it looked like it was gonna rain heavy... my boss was nice enough to let me go off. Of course, she did ask me to do some stuff first before going but of course i've already taken care of that BEFORE i asked her if i could leave. So she said go. Yay!
But... damn, it started raining by the time i got out of the building. Heavy drizzle. Windy, u could tell by the way the rain falls slanting to the ground. I waited a bit... till it was just light drizzle... crossed the road and popped by a WATSONS to get an umbrella (remember i park far far away to stinge on parking payment??)
They had two types of umbrellas for sale. One's RM19.90 and the other is RM9.90. Hell, i know from experience (hey, i took the bus for 2 years ok, that includes a lot of walking) that the cheap one breaks easily. Plus, the cheaper one doesn't look so nice.
The RM19.90 one has this pretty pink pattern! Awww... i took that and brought it to the cashier. And aiiiiiii... damn... not enough $$ in my wallet. Stupid me, forgot to refill!
Too bad la, punish myself lor... walked in the rain lor. That's for not bringing my trusted purple (other fave colour) umbrella AND for not refilling my wallet. Dunno why but the heavens above decided to bless me with a continuous light drizzle till i got into my car instead of a heavy downpour.
Got home at a decent time... 40mins on the road... then got ready to go for this buffet dinner my mom won! Hehehe.

Yes my mom won it i dunno how. But again let me remind u, there are contests we didn't win ok? Eg. On the way to the hotel/dinner, E and I were calling up the Star newspaper in attempt to win Mike Shinoda's album... my mom was calling frantically too, at home... but we didn't manage to get it, not even one (we were hoping to get 3, one for me, one for him and one for my dear cousin whom i just found out is a loyal reader of this Bloggie, hallo! =).
Don't know if u know but this buffet has a chocolate fountain! Sounds like Charlie n the Chocolate Factory, huh!? But this one's real. Sorry no pix of the fountain itself, gotta work tomorrow, but here, guess what's covered in chocolate from the fountain.
Don't ask me how much the dinner cost, i have no idea! But it's gotta be expen$ive! The place is so posh i felt a little out of place! They have such a wide variety of food! And u can take huge prawns, as much as u like, which i did! And the parking is RM8 per entry =P
Oh Oh, and even though it a TUESDAY, the place was FULL. It was full!, i was shocked!
Thought of keeping the hotel's name anonymous but it's right there in the voucher... i don't have the time to photoshop it. Besides, i'm not saying any bad things about them, they are overall exellent! Except for the drinks... only plain water, coffee and tea... i'm fine with water, coffee and tea... but why no juice or... er... soft drinks?? Or is juice only for breakfast, I dunno, it's possible. I feel that i can write this since i've already commented in their feedback survey... Correct me if i'm wrong...
No, actually i didn't get home early... i... errr... went to E's house! HAHA. Watched Desperate Housewives SEASON TWO EPISODE 7. Hehehe. Nice.
So i spent less time on the road la. Today, i left earlier, at around 4.20? Cuz it looked like it was gonna rain heavy... my boss was nice enough to let me go off. Of course, she did ask me to do some stuff first before going but of course i've already taken care of that BEFORE i asked her if i could leave. So she said go. Yay!
But... damn, it started raining by the time i got out of the building. Heavy drizzle. Windy, u could tell by the way the rain falls slanting to the ground. I waited a bit... till it was just light drizzle... crossed the road and popped by a WATSONS to get an umbrella (remember i park far far away to stinge on parking payment??)
They had two types of umbrellas for sale. One's RM19.90 and the other is RM9.90. Hell, i know from experience (hey, i took the bus for 2 years ok, that includes a lot of walking) that the cheap one breaks easily. Plus, the cheaper one doesn't look so nice.
The RM19.90 one has this pretty pink pattern! Awww... i took that and brought it to the cashier. And aiiiiiii... damn... not enough $$ in my wallet. Stupid me, forgot to refill!
Too bad la, punish myself lor... walked in the rain lor. That's for not bringing my trusted purple (other fave colour) umbrella AND for not refilling my wallet. Dunno why but the heavens above decided to bless me with a continuous light drizzle till i got into my car instead of a heavy downpour.
Got home at a decent time... 40mins on the road... then got ready to go for this buffet dinner my mom won! Hehehe.

Yes my mom won it i dunno how. But again let me remind u, there are contests we didn't win ok? Eg. On the way to the hotel/dinner, E and I were calling up the Star newspaper in attempt to win Mike Shinoda's album... my mom was calling frantically too, at home... but we didn't manage to get it, not even one (we were hoping to get 3, one for me, one for him and one for my dear cousin whom i just found out is a loyal reader of this Bloggie, hallo! =).
Don't know if u know but this buffet has a chocolate fountain! Sounds like Charlie n the Chocolate Factory, huh!? But this one's real. Sorry no pix of the fountain itself, gotta work tomorrow, but here, guess what's covered in chocolate from the fountain.

Oh Oh, and even though it a TUESDAY, the place was FULL. It was full!, i was shocked!
Thought of keeping the hotel's name anonymous but it's right there in the voucher... i don't have the time to photoshop it. Besides, i'm not saying any bad things about them, they are overall exellent! Except for the drinks... only plain water, coffee and tea... i'm fine with water, coffee and tea... but why no juice or... er... soft drinks?? Or is juice only for breakfast, I dunno, it's possible. I feel that i can write this since i've already commented in their feedback survey... Correct me if i'm wrong...
Monday, November 21, 2005
RM100.00 Worth of Gift Vouchers

Ohhh.. don't they just match my blog skin? Aren't they pretty?
Haha, but nah, i'm not here to gloat. They're worthless to me, i won't be using them. So, would u like them?? The first two lucky people to comment in this post saying they want it will receive it. If u want both of them just just ask!
Do leave your email address and i'll send u an email... and then i'll get your address to send them to u.
Friday, November 18, 2005
My - stupid - self
Since i can't bitch about anyone else without offending someone, i'll bitch about myself. I get to indulge in bashing myself. That's what i'm gonna do so, i think u'd wanna skip this post.
Yeah, so. I'm stupid. Idiotic. Dumbo. Bimbo, yet a geek!!! Stupid, oh did i say stupid already? Stupid is my fav word.
Yeah, so, who puts in as much effore in a temp job as me? It's not like i could get a raise, it's not like i'd get promoted or anything. Why the hell am i so hardworking? I'm one of the slowest.
Know why, cuz when we get the phone number from 103, i wait for them to repeat the number twice to make sure i get the right number. I don't think the others do. I mean... how else can they finish 2-3 hours ahead of me? The stupid 103 computerized voice is so freaking slow... i wonder how much time i wasted just waiting for them to repeat the darn number twice.
And when there's no answer i let the phone ring a few more times before hanging up, my colleagues just hang up straitaway and call back later. I'm stupid.
On Monday, i'm gonna work much faster.
Why am i so mad? Today was a bad day at work. Yesterday, my 3rd day was very good but since i had my mom's dinner 2 attend i didn't have time 2 blog about it. Today sucked big big time. Stupid other people get 2 hours lunch break, so when we finished our hour-long break and resumed calling, many people on the line keep telling me 2 call back at 2. Shit them.
Oh and someone hanged up on me, shit him too. Why must the stupid company i'm working for ask for number of employees and number of computers other companies have? People seem to HATE these 2 questions. And it's just 2 questions! Also he wanna hang up on me.
Made me wanna cry. Haha.
My friend Ce says many ppl hung up on her. She's quite thick skinned. Maybe more people should hang up on me so i'd get used to it. So far only one person hung up on me. Many people i called are nice sweet Malay ladies who i can speak to casually.
I know i'm paid to make these calls but...
Maybe that's why we get paid so much. =P Haha. But next week... i'm gonna work only 7hours a day la (instead of 8). And take only half an hour of lunch break. And i might possibly be able to go home 2 whole hours earlier!
See, i HATE THE STUPID RUSH HOUR JAM. I drive a manual car ok? (Wanted to save my father RM10,000, and it's more fuel efficient) Never had problems with it, until now! Everyday after work i get stuck in stupid jams for 1 hour and 10 minutes MINIMUM. So i finish work at 6 but get home after 7. My left leg kills me. Makes me SUPER GRUMPY LAR.
So when i was stuck in the jam, i came up with a plan... normal office hours for us is 9-6 with an hour break. That's 8 hours of work. U can work less than 8 hours but not more than 8 hours. And i've seen the guy who sits behind me take 2 hours lunch breaks... or take no lunch break... and adjust the number of work hours accordingly.
So, i guess i'll start work at 9am like everyone else, have a 30mins lunch break from 12-12.30. And leave at 4.30. Before the stupid shit crap jam starts. And hopefully i get to be home at about 5.
That's being home 2 whole hours earlier. Yet i get paid only an hour less. Worth it? Yup.
Even though i'd lose RM5x a week, it's worth it. Because RMx is for one hour of work. If i go home 2 hours later, it's like i'm spending 2 hours just to get one hour's worth of pay.
And this is a bloody temp job. I'm not gonna get to reduce my working hours anyhow and avoid stupid rush hour traffic in the future so might as well just save myself the stress now. And we mustn't be greedy... it's not worth it, RMx for 2 hours.
Yawn, ok i'm pretty much done.
Yeah, so. I'm stupid. Idiotic. Dumbo. Bimbo, yet a geek!!! Stupid, oh did i say stupid already? Stupid is my fav word.
Yeah, so, who puts in as much effore in a temp job as me? It's not like i could get a raise, it's not like i'd get promoted or anything. Why the hell am i so hardworking? I'm one of the slowest.
Know why, cuz when we get the phone number from 103, i wait for them to repeat the number twice to make sure i get the right number. I don't think the others do. I mean... how else can they finish 2-3 hours ahead of me? The stupid 103 computerized voice is so freaking slow... i wonder how much time i wasted just waiting for them to repeat the darn number twice.
And when there's no answer i let the phone ring a few more times before hanging up, my colleagues just hang up straitaway and call back later. I'm stupid.
On Monday, i'm gonna work much faster.
Why am i so mad? Today was a bad day at work. Yesterday, my 3rd day was very good but since i had my mom's dinner 2 attend i didn't have time 2 blog about it. Today sucked big big time. Stupid other people get 2 hours lunch break, so when we finished our hour-long break and resumed calling, many people on the line keep telling me 2 call back at 2. Shit them.
Oh and someone hanged up on me, shit him too. Why must the stupid company i'm working for ask for number of employees and number of computers other companies have? People seem to HATE these 2 questions. And it's just 2 questions! Also he wanna hang up on me.
Made me wanna cry. Haha.
My friend Ce says many ppl hung up on her. She's quite thick skinned. Maybe more people should hang up on me so i'd get used to it. So far only one person hung up on me. Many people i called are nice sweet Malay ladies who i can speak to casually.
I know i'm paid to make these calls but...
Maybe that's why we get paid so much. =P Haha. But next week... i'm gonna work only 7hours a day la (instead of 8). And take only half an hour of lunch break. And i might possibly be able to go home 2 whole hours earlier!
See, i HATE THE STUPID RUSH HOUR JAM. I drive a manual car ok? (Wanted to save my father RM10,000, and it's more fuel efficient) Never had problems with it, until now! Everyday after work i get stuck in stupid jams for 1 hour and 10 minutes MINIMUM. So i finish work at 6 but get home after 7. My left leg kills me. Makes me SUPER GRUMPY LAR.
So when i was stuck in the jam, i came up with a plan... normal office hours for us is 9-6 with an hour break. That's 8 hours of work. U can work less than 8 hours but not more than 8 hours. And i've seen the guy who sits behind me take 2 hours lunch breaks... or take no lunch break... and adjust the number of work hours accordingly.
So, i guess i'll start work at 9am like everyone else, have a 30mins lunch break from 12-12.30. And leave at 4.30. Before the stupid shit crap jam starts. And hopefully i get to be home at about 5.
That's being home 2 whole hours earlier. Yet i get paid only an hour less. Worth it? Yup.
Even though i'd lose RM5x a week, it's worth it. Because RMx is for one hour of work. If i go home 2 hours later, it's like i'm spending 2 hours just to get one hour's worth of pay.
And this is a bloody temp job. I'm not gonna get to reduce my working hours anyhow and avoid stupid rush hour traffic in the future so might as well just save myself the stress now. And we mustn't be greedy... it's not worth it, RMx for 2 hours.
Yawn, ok i'm pretty much done.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
2nd Day at Work
Aww, no one commented in my last post?? =( A lil' sad but oh well, i know I will definitely read my blog. And i'd don't wanna regret not writing about it.
So, i figured out why my leg hurts. It's cuz i sat for too long. Funny isn't it? When have a stand up job u want a chair... when u have a sit down job, i mean an office job u'd wish to stand up more.
Ow, my leg... no to mention my eyes... staring at the screen hurts them. But i am much better today compared to yesterday. Much much better.
Time on the job really flies. It just goes by and money comes into my wallet! Just like that. Haha. No la, not cash of course... not yet.
By the way i'm sitting on the floor right now with my keyboard typing this. Stupid la my bro has SPM so i can't type loudly-- he's studying. I'm damn slow, its annoying.
So... one thing i've noticed today, since we were talking about tattoos and piercings, is that... we telemarketeers are so... err... unpresentable? My friend Ce has a lip ring, the other guy has tattoos all over his arms... 2 out of 3 of the guys have their ears pierced and all the girls except the lady in charge, lets call her L, have more than one pair of ear piercings! Haha
Now, i'm standing while typing.
One of the guys, the one without any earrings, haha, who happens to be the most efficient one of us, is leaving la. His last day today. They(the company) gave him a goodie bag, as a thank u perhaps? And i caught a glimpse of a teddy bear in it! Haha.
In the lift, the group of us were chatting, about him leaving and someone mentioned that American companies are like that. So nice right?? He says he has one been working there for a few days, since Hari Raya week.
Really really hope i'd get a souvenier too!!!
Small things like that reduce staff turnover i guess, i'd definitely stay longer to get it. Hehe. Besides, the pay isn't bad. The pay isn't bad at all. It's a lot more than 2 times my previous job's pay. Precisely 8/3 times more than my previous job's peanut pay.
Ohh and we get free drinks!! At first it was just a bottle of water, even that surprised me yesterday. And then i was told the refrigerator in the pantry is full of cokes and some ice lemon tea and we can help ourselves!!! =) Ice lemon tea's goooood!
Hm... what else? Oh ya. Haha. So most of the phone numbers in the data we have is wrong and we have to call 103 to get the new number... but surprisingly though all the fax numbers are the correct. I voiced this out to my colleagues and asked why, Ce said "Cuz life sucks!"
So true.
So when i call 103, an operator will serve u and then the number you requested will be told to u by a recorded voice. At the end of the recording they'd ask u to press 1 for repeat, 2 to be connected to the number. I always press 2.
Somemtimes instead of asking you to press 1 or 2, they ask you to say 'Repeat' or 'Connect'. Or 'Ulang' or 'sambung'.
Haha, yesterday, i was so damn shy at first, dare not say 'Connect'. I kinda MUMBLED the word and the thing would say "the request was not stated clearly' and the line went dead!!!
Haha, now i laugh but i was frustrated yesterday.
Today is totally different, i LOVED it when i get to 'Connect' or it's Malay equivalent 'sambung'. I even looked forward to it, it seemed so fun! Hehe. So cool-- 'Connect'.
Now i'm typing this with my aching leg on the table... Oh yeah, i managed to get my driving license back thankfully... and i accidentally drove with 2 and a half inch heels... oops. Haha, was wearing them and i forgot la after work. Felt pretty normal to me.
Hmm... i'll wear my new heels tomorrow... no, not the white ones, haha, an older new pair? Hahaha. I don't have any heels fetish ok? It's just that when u have a tall boyfriend your footwear grows taller and taller la. Haha.
Shit i haven't figured out what to wear. Not to work but to my mom's b'day dinner after work...
Tiring day ahead, g'nite.
Ps: Forgive (and help me correct) any spelling errors and other errors. It's geting really late
So, i figured out why my leg hurts. It's cuz i sat for too long. Funny isn't it? When have a stand up job u want a chair... when u have a sit down job, i mean an office job u'd wish to stand up more.
Ow, my leg... no to mention my eyes... staring at the screen hurts them. But i am much better today compared to yesterday. Much much better.
Time on the job really flies. It just goes by and money comes into my wallet! Just like that. Haha. No la, not cash of course... not yet.
By the way i'm sitting on the floor right now with my keyboard typing this. Stupid la my bro has SPM so i can't type loudly-- he's studying. I'm damn slow, its annoying.
So... one thing i've noticed today, since we were talking about tattoos and piercings, is that... we telemarketeers are so... err... unpresentable? My friend Ce has a lip ring, the other guy has tattoos all over his arms... 2 out of 3 of the guys have their ears pierced and all the girls except the lady in charge, lets call her L, have more than one pair of ear piercings! Haha
Now, i'm standing while typing.
One of the guys, the one without any earrings, haha, who happens to be the most efficient one of us, is leaving la. His last day today. They(the company) gave him a goodie bag, as a thank u perhaps? And i caught a glimpse of a teddy bear in it! Haha.
In the lift, the group of us were chatting, about him leaving and someone mentioned that American companies are like that. So nice right?? He says he has one been working there for a few days, since Hari Raya week.
Really really hope i'd get a souvenier too!!!
Small things like that reduce staff turnover i guess, i'd definitely stay longer to get it. Hehe. Besides, the pay isn't bad. The pay isn't bad at all. It's a lot more than 2 times my previous job's pay. Precisely 8/3 times more than my previous job's peanut pay.
Ohh and we get free drinks!! At first it was just a bottle of water, even that surprised me yesterday. And then i was told the refrigerator in the pantry is full of cokes and some ice lemon tea and we can help ourselves!!! =) Ice lemon tea's goooood!
Hm... what else? Oh ya. Haha. So most of the phone numbers in the data we have is wrong and we have to call 103 to get the new number... but surprisingly though all the fax numbers are the correct. I voiced this out to my colleagues and asked why, Ce said "Cuz life sucks!"
So true.
So when i call 103, an operator will serve u and then the number you requested will be told to u by a recorded voice. At the end of the recording they'd ask u to press 1 for repeat, 2 to be connected to the number. I always press 2.
Somemtimes instead of asking you to press 1 or 2, they ask you to say 'Repeat' or 'Connect'. Or 'Ulang' or 'sambung'.
Haha, yesterday, i was so damn shy at first, dare not say 'Connect'. I kinda MUMBLED the word and the thing would say "the request was not stated clearly' and the line went dead!!!
Haha, now i laugh but i was frustrated yesterday.
Today is totally different, i LOVED it when i get to 'Connect' or it's Malay equivalent 'sambung'. I even looked forward to it, it seemed so fun! Hehe. So cool-- 'Connect'.
Now i'm typing this with my aching leg on the table... Oh yeah, i managed to get my driving license back thankfully... and i accidentally drove with 2 and a half inch heels... oops. Haha, was wearing them and i forgot la after work. Felt pretty normal to me.
Hmm... i'll wear my new heels tomorrow... no, not the white ones, haha, an older new pair? Hahaha. I don't have any heels fetish ok? It's just that when u have a tall boyfriend your footwear grows taller and taller la. Haha.
Shit i haven't figured out what to wear. Not to work but to my mom's b'day dinner after work...
Tiring day ahead, g'nite.
Ps: Forgive (and help me correct) any spelling errors and other errors. It's geting really late
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
1st Day at Work
So tired... could drop dead... my feet hurts and i wonder why, wasn't i in a quite comfortable chair the whole day?
Telemarketing... obviously u'd expect rude people right? But i only got one of those lar... nope, i'm not super lucky... the reason why i only got one of those is cuz most of the phone numbers in the database are invalid. I call and it just goes tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot, toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. And then i call 103 for the operator to get their number. More often than not they're not listed.
Dumb. The guy who briefed me on the job told me they said the data is one year plus old but he thinks it's older than that. It's obviously MUCH MUCH older, practically (99%) of the numbers are changed. Make that 100%.
The first few calls were ok. Even got a really nice person... it was a wrong number but the man on the phone was real nice about it, even told me he was interested in what the company i'm working for offers. And therefore i get one more "Updated" contact. =)
Those that are not listed become "Disconnected" and we are to have as little of this as possible. But since the data is from the dinosaur age or something, most it is "Disconnected".
So about the rude lady... she was on a break when i called and she was a total bitch. You could hear it in her tone, she was looking down upon us. She asked for my name and I didn't like the way she called me. It sounded like such an insult, just the way she said my name itself.
Left me on the verge of tears.
Luckily, right after that call, my colleagues were going out for lunch. They're real nice, they included everyone and as a group we went out to eat. Just followed them to this hawker centre with cheap chee cheong fun!! Yay!! Actually it's of normal price, but i thought everything was charged at inflated prices since it's THAT area.
We got back to the office building before the break time ended so they played foosball. And they're sooooo nice to include me and my friend who's also new. Oh yeah, the girl in charge really nice too. One of us. But she's not the one who hired us... That's her boss too...
So i forgot about the rude woman. The other people called... receptionists i guess are easy to talk to, not "u little piece of unworthy being" on me at all. Really cooperative and casual...
Ohh... and u know what's really the stupid? I called 103 to get the number of say... XXXX, but they only had XXYX's number... i was kinda desperate so i just took that number and decided to give it a go.
Wrong number and i said sorry... wanted to hang up but the person just carried on asking questions. First it was normal stuff like what's your name and how long have u been working there, fairly friendly and normal. Then irrelevant questions. Like saying "you have a nice name"... and then he wanted to give me his number and wanted me 2 call him! Shit persistent.
Finally, i said "hold on" and called the lady in charge... guess the idiot figured what i was doing and hung up. She then told me not to panic in the future and told me what to do if that ever happened again. Who, me, panicking? I'd like to protest (here) that i wasn't panicking! But maybe i was?
The whole department (about 7 people) were looking at me and enjoying that. Lucky them, entertainment from the newbie.
Guess what? Smart smart, very very careful me left her driving license with the security. How typical. Why do i keep leaving my documents behind?? (Left my ic at the gym before and once in a taxi).
Planned to go later tomorrow but now i'd have to go there early again tomorrow... less chances of running into a policeman.
Know how early i was today? Even after taking the wrong turn and going one big round, i got there at 7.40am. Work starts at 9. The others all arrived after 9.
I sooo wanted to make a good impression/blah blah blah and i ended up waiting and waiting and waiting, irritated... the later i start the less time i have 2 complete my quota... but it's not like i could scold my boss for being late, can i?? It goes the other way around.
Telemarketing... obviously u'd expect rude people right? But i only got one of those lar... nope, i'm not super lucky... the reason why i only got one of those is cuz most of the phone numbers in the database are invalid. I call and it just goes tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot, toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. And then i call 103 for the operator to get their number. More often than not they're not listed.
Dumb. The guy who briefed me on the job told me they said the data is one year plus old but he thinks it's older than that. It's obviously MUCH MUCH older, practically (99%) of the numbers are changed. Make that 100%.
The first few calls were ok. Even got a really nice person... it was a wrong number but the man on the phone was real nice about it, even told me he was interested in what the company i'm working for offers. And therefore i get one more "Updated" contact. =)
Those that are not listed become "Disconnected" and we are to have as little of this as possible. But since the data is from the dinosaur age or something, most it is "Disconnected".
So about the rude lady... she was on a break when i called and she was a total bitch. You could hear it in her tone, she was looking down upon us. She asked for my name and I didn't like the way she called me. It sounded like such an insult, just the way she said my name itself.
Left me on the verge of tears.
Luckily, right after that call, my colleagues were going out for lunch. They're real nice, they included everyone and as a group we went out to eat. Just followed them to this hawker centre with cheap chee cheong fun!! Yay!! Actually it's of normal price, but i thought everything was charged at inflated prices since it's THAT area.
We got back to the office building before the break time ended so they played foosball. And they're sooooo nice to include me and my friend who's also new. Oh yeah, the girl in charge really nice too. One of us. But she's not the one who hired us... That's her boss too...
So i forgot about the rude woman. The other people called... receptionists i guess are easy to talk to, not "u little piece of unworthy being" on me at all. Really cooperative and casual...
Ohh... and u know what's really the stupid? I called 103 to get the number of say... XXXX, but they only had XXYX's number... i was kinda desperate so i just took that number and decided to give it a go.
Wrong number and i said sorry... wanted to hang up but the person just carried on asking questions. First it was normal stuff like what's your name and how long have u been working there, fairly friendly and normal. Then irrelevant questions. Like saying "you have a nice name"... and then he wanted to give me his number and wanted me 2 call him! Shit persistent.
Finally, i said "hold on" and called the lady in charge... guess the idiot figured what i was doing and hung up. She then told me not to panic in the future and told me what to do if that ever happened again. Who, me, panicking? I'd like to protest (here) that i wasn't panicking! But maybe i was?
The whole department (about 7 people) were looking at me and enjoying that. Lucky them, entertainment from the newbie.
Guess what? Smart smart, very very careful me left her driving license with the security. How typical. Why do i keep leaving my documents behind?? (Left my ic at the gym before and once in a taxi).
Planned to go later tomorrow but now i'd have to go there early again tomorrow... less chances of running into a policeman.
Know how early i was today? Even after taking the wrong turn and going one big round, i got there at 7.40am. Work starts at 9. The others all arrived after 9.
I sooo wanted to make a good impression/blah blah blah and i ended up waiting and waiting and waiting, irritated... the later i start the less time i have 2 complete my quota... but it's not like i could scold my boss for being late, can i?? It goes the other way around.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Australian summer that is. Not that it makes any difference to me, here in Malaysia, where it is rain and sunshine all fricking year round. But i love Australian summers. Cuz i'm taking an Australian degree. So i get a holiday too!!!
Then why haven't i blogged until now?
Naturally, if u knew the pig in me, i slept early on Friday. At 9pm or so. And on Saturday morning there was no electricity. And in the afternoon i discovered my computer died on me. And of course procrastination(read other blogs) yesterday night and SHOPPING today(Sunday), hehehe. Then had period pain...
Shopping with mommy this time, after she showed me the way to my future workplace. She had a RM200.00 voucher (which she obtained through her talent in joining contests with slogans =). So i got a pair or heels!! =) Freeeeeee.
I can imagine the shopaholic Ch asking me for pictures! =) I still owe her a post on those pants... =P Sorry, girl!
Ok ok... i know i can't avoid writing about my final paper so... the paper made me sick to the stomach. Literally, had an upset stomach twice that morning. My eyelids felt so heavy, That's what u get for studying last minute till 5am. My friends, D and Ce weren't so great either. Ce had an allergy, caused by nervousness or something. D kept saying the D-word, DIE. I dunno how many times she said that over the phone, in messages and when she came over to study... freaked me out!! =)
So the paper itself... do u remember taking physics in SPM? Well, it was like that, so many calculations. And u never know if u've got the nominator and denominator right. You know, the pengaka and the ... angka? Err... the word looks weird... my BM is rotten to the core... angka? Is that correct?
Nevermind. So. Calculations. I did read all lectures concerning calculations. I did all tutorial work concerning calculations, i love calculation. So why am i so afraid of how i'd fare in this paper? I love calculations the add maths style, I don't like the physics kind. Why a finance subject's calculation reminds me of psychics i don't know... maybe because there are so many words in the question?
Sigh. Well it's over. Have to thank the kind souls who wished me luck. And also love love love the people who replied when i wish them luck, they made me happy and i feel appreciated. No comments about those who didn't bother to reply.
Holidays for 4 weeks. 2 of which would be spent working for an IT company in a classy area. Pay's good. But expenses kill. The darn office building is 20km or so away from home. And parking is shitty shit shit... Comes up to RM17+. A day.
"Then why don't u take the bus u spoilt brat". Gag... Haha... come on, i've had my fair share of buses and trains. Hear me out. I'm driving there and parking in far far away for free and am gonna walk. Besides, my baby(car) doesn't eat that much (petrol).
Food in the area's gonna be expens$sive too. But there's a McD!!! Yay, u know i love McD, isn't exactly cheap, but relatively cheap.
The kinda work i'd be doing: telemarketing is what they call it. I sit in front of the computer and make calls to other companies to 'create awareness' and to 'update information'.
Last but not least, look at this!! =)

I won it on my own from the cruisers!!
Was just leaving university when E and i heard the announcement on the radio... ther were right outside the Monash University side gate!! We made a u-turn and managed to get a parking spot. There were people already gathering around the cruiser, waiting eagerly for freebies and a chance to win stuff.
That week's CD giveaway was tATu. No one was really interested except me and Is... until the guy said "Let's put it this way, who wants to win a free CD?" and then more people stepped up.
We had to play this game... way back from primary school called 'lat-tali-lat'... and it goes lat-tali-lat-ta-li-tam-plong. Haha, funny actually writing it out. It's a sing-along thing and u kind of... wave(?) your hand to show your palm or your... the... other side of your hand as u sing. We had to match what the cruiser guy did.
Since i distinctively remember reading about the exact game being played in E's blog months ago (He won RM50 worth of KFC voucher), i followed his tactic. Right thing to do! In the second round, i found myself the winner!! =) It's fated to be mine! Muahaha.
Note: E, if u can give me the link to that post, i'd love to link to it.
Listened to tATu while studying Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange.
Note: The heels and the CD aside ... i've lost before, many times... there was the IPod contest, which is worth much more than a CD. Then there's the RM5000 which i didn't win... and i HAVE taken the bus and trains before, for 2 whole years to be exact... can continue upon request.
Correction(10.20pm 2005-11-14): We had to do the opposite of what the cruiser guy did. Sorry! I was really blur at that time, i didn't really know what i was doing... and was really surprised i won.
Then why haven't i blogged until now?
Naturally, if u knew the pig in me, i slept early on Friday. At 9pm or so. And on Saturday morning there was no electricity. And in the afternoon i discovered my computer died on me. And of course procrastination(read other blogs) yesterday night and SHOPPING today(Sunday), hehehe. Then had period pain...
Shopping with mommy this time, after she showed me the way to my future workplace. She had a RM200.00 voucher (which she obtained through her talent in joining contests with slogans =). So i got a pair or heels!! =) Freeeeeee.
I can imagine the shopaholic Ch asking me for pictures! =) I still owe her a post on those pants... =P Sorry, girl!
Ok ok... i know i can't avoid writing about my final paper so... the paper made me sick to the stomach. Literally, had an upset stomach twice that morning. My eyelids felt so heavy, That's what u get for studying last minute till 5am. My friends, D and Ce weren't so great either. Ce had an allergy, caused by nervousness or something. D kept saying the D-word, DIE. I dunno how many times she said that over the phone, in messages and when she came over to study... freaked me out!! =)
So the paper itself... do u remember taking physics in SPM? Well, it was like that, so many calculations. And u never know if u've got the nominator and denominator right. You know, the pengaka and the ... angka? Err... the word looks weird... my BM is rotten to the core... angka? Is that correct?
Nevermind. So. Calculations. I did read all lectures concerning calculations. I did all tutorial work concerning calculations, i love calculation. So why am i so afraid of how i'd fare in this paper? I love calculations the add maths style, I don't like the physics kind. Why a finance subject's calculation reminds me of psychics i don't know... maybe because there are so many words in the question?
Sigh. Well it's over. Have to thank the kind souls who wished me luck. And also love love love the people who replied when i wish them luck, they made me happy and i feel appreciated. No comments about those who didn't bother to reply.
Holidays for 4 weeks. 2 of which would be spent working for an IT company in a classy area. Pay's good. But expenses kill. The darn office building is 20km or so away from home. And parking is shitty shit shit... Comes up to RM17+. A day.
"Then why don't u take the bus u spoilt brat". Gag... Haha... come on, i've had my fair share of buses and trains. Hear me out. I'm driving there and parking in far far away for free and am gonna walk. Besides, my baby(car) doesn't eat that much (petrol).
Food in the area's gonna be expens$sive too. But there's a McD!!! Yay, u know i love McD, isn't exactly cheap, but relatively cheap.
The kinda work i'd be doing: telemarketing is what they call it. I sit in front of the computer and make calls to other companies to 'create awareness' and to 'update information'.
Last but not least, look at this!! =)

I won it on my own from the cruisers!!
Was just leaving university when E and i heard the announcement on the radio... ther were right outside the Monash University side gate!! We made a u-turn and managed to get a parking spot. There were people already gathering around the cruiser, waiting eagerly for freebies and a chance to win stuff.
That week's CD giveaway was tATu. No one was really interested except me and Is... until the guy said "Let's put it this way, who wants to win a free CD?" and then more people stepped up.
We had to play this game... way back from primary school called 'lat-tali-lat'... and it goes lat-tali-lat-ta-li-tam-plong. Haha, funny actually writing it out. It's a sing-along thing and u kind of... wave(?) your hand to show your palm or your... the... other side of your hand as u sing. We had to match what the cruiser guy did.
Since i distinctively remember reading about the exact game being played in E's blog months ago (He won RM50 worth of KFC voucher), i followed his tactic. Right thing to do! In the second round, i found myself the winner!! =) It's fated to be mine! Muahaha.
Note: E, if u can give me the link to that post, i'd love to link to it.
Listened to tATu while studying Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange.
Note: The heels and the CD aside ... i've lost before, many times... there was the IPod contest, which is worth much more than a CD. Then there's the RM5000 which i didn't win... and i HAVE taken the bus and trains before, for 2 whole years to be exact... can continue upon request.
Correction(10.20pm 2005-11-14): We had to do the opposite of what the cruiser guy did. Sorry! I was really blur at that time, i didn't really know what i was doing... and was really surprised i won.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
2 Times in a Row!
Again, gonna talk about animals. Haha, dun worry, i have nothing for animals... except love.
Wait, that sounds peculiar. But i hope u know what i mean.
Anyway, yesterday my father announced that he was gonna tell my little 7yr old sis about sex. My mom and i were like, "WHAT??!".
And was curious to know how he'd tell her, so i stuck around to listen/watch.
My father opened a file on the computer to show her pictures. Of animals la. There were couple of dogs mating, couple of lions mating, couple of fishes mating... and there were ducks, not a pair but 3 of them. Haha, cannot resist, had to bully my father, must ask, "Why got 3 ducks??" just to see his answer.
Guess what he said? "Dunno... playing lor". Hahahaha. And my mom came 2 see.
Wait, that sounds peculiar. But i hope u know what i mean.
Anyway, yesterday my father announced that he was gonna tell my little 7yr old sis about sex. My mom and i were like, "WHAT??!".
And was curious to know how he'd tell her, so i stuck around to listen/watch.
My father opened a file on the computer to show her pictures. Of animals la. There were couple of dogs mating, couple of lions mating, couple of fishes mating... and there were ducks, not a pair but 3 of them. Haha, cannot resist, had to bully my father, must ask, "Why got 3 ducks??" just to see his answer.
Guess what he said? "Dunno... playing lor". Hahahaha. And my mom came 2 see.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Bitches Masturbate as Well
Don't worry, no one has hacked me. I know, i know, the title isn't like me to use...
Don't worry, no pictures as well. If u wanted pictures so somewhere else ok?
So why the title? Nothing la, just the literal meaning. Hehe. Bitches = female dogs okay?
Was talking to my friend about dogs and she said her friend's female dog was 'humping' the chair's leg... and people's legs... and apparently the dog looked as if it were enjoying it, like it was great pleasure?
Tak biasa writing this la. Haha. But my blog can't ALWAYS be about shopping and lessons, can it? Must have some 'variety'. Haha. Nah, have some National Geographic!! And at least i'm not talking about humans, ok? Or is this worse?? Whatever.
So, then i remember my other friend telling me how her female dog was 'raping' the pole in her house. Didn't really understand it then but now i see dogs masturbate too. The female ones, the bitches only, i think.
My family only keeps male dogs... and the male dogs we have don't seem to do anything strange.
That's why my title(don't wanna repeat it. Haha) is the way it is.
Don't worry, no pictures as well. If u wanted pictures so somewhere else ok?
So why the title? Nothing la, just the literal meaning. Hehe. Bitches = female dogs okay?
Was talking to my friend about dogs and she said her friend's female dog was 'humping' the chair's leg... and people's legs... and apparently the dog looked as if it were enjoying it, like it was great pleasure?
Tak biasa writing this la. Haha. But my blog can't ALWAYS be about shopping and lessons, can it? Must have some 'variety'. Haha. Nah, have some National Geographic!! And at least i'm not talking about humans, ok? Or is this worse?? Whatever.
So, then i remember my other friend telling me how her female dog was 'raping' the pole in her house. Didn't really understand it then but now i see dogs masturbate too. The female ones, the bitches only, i think.
My family only keeps male dogs... and the male dogs we have don't seem to do anything strange.
That's why my title(don't wanna repeat it. Haha) is the way it is.
Year 1, Sem 2 , Part 8
I hate ECW2721 Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange. Know what we learn? Spot rate, Forward rate, letters of credit, The Bikerde-Robinson-Metzler case, The Marshall-Lerner Case... graphs... funny symbols... the symbols are so funny that my friend's computer couldn't read them. When she printed her notes there were a few little cars in the middle of all the words. What?!
When she showed it to me i actually believed that it was part of the notes. I mean... we don't pay attention in class. There are up to 90 Power Point Slides in each week's lecture notes. Even the lecturer doesn't explain everything. Actually the lecturer isn't great. At all.
So we have zero enthusiasm for the subject. Never studied during the 13-week course, never touched the notes. At least i bothered to print the notes, D didn't even print them! Haha.
When my C showed me the cars as part of the notes, i really thought it was part of the notes. Only later when she showed me another strange thing-- presents with bow ties as part of the text did i realize that there was a computer error. Haha.
We are super blur about what's going on. We wondered how the exam format was like... we thought the lecturer never even gave us the format (we believe he didn't cuz we strongly disliked him) so i asked around for the format last week. And guess what? Today, flipping through my lecture notes, ooops, there the format was, i did copy it during lecture, he did give the format during lecture but i don't recall. Hehe.
I hate this subject. Stupid... so difficult, complicated and dry. And that is the notes alone, imagine reading the textbook?? Urgghhh. Took me a week to finish studying one lecture, shit i have 5 lectures more. Exam's on Friday!!
When she showed it to me i actually believed that it was part of the notes. I mean... we don't pay attention in class. There are up to 90 Power Point Slides in each week's lecture notes. Even the lecturer doesn't explain everything. Actually the lecturer isn't great. At all.
So we have zero enthusiasm for the subject. Never studied during the 13-week course, never touched the notes. At least i bothered to print the notes, D didn't even print them! Haha.
When my C showed me the cars as part of the notes, i really thought it was part of the notes. Only later when she showed me another strange thing-- presents with bow ties as part of the text did i realize that there was a computer error. Haha.
We are super blur about what's going on. We wondered how the exam format was like... we thought the lecturer never even gave us the format (we believe he didn't cuz we strongly disliked him) so i asked around for the format last week. And guess what? Today, flipping through my lecture notes, ooops, there the format was, i did copy it during lecture, he did give the format during lecture but i don't recall. Hehe.
I hate this subject. Stupid... so difficult, complicated and dry. And that is the notes alone, imagine reading the textbook?? Urgghhh. Took me a week to finish studying one lecture, shit i have 5 lectures more. Exam's on Friday!!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Leopard Spots and Blog Theraphy
Note: the disclaimer on the right ------------------------------------------> Republished Below
All statements are my views and feelings unless supported. Everything is based on my opinion and what i think, based on the happenings of my life. Do correct me when you think i am wrong (after you have at least read the particular post u want to complain about). I am human and i do make mistakes. I am no angel
Before i get into blog theraphy, first i need to ask a question. Do u believe in the phrase "A leopard never changes its spots"?
In short it means-- theif gets caught, goes to jail, comes out and steals again.
What do u think?? It's a genuine question. But of course, someone did provoke me into writing it.
I strongly disagree with the idiom. In my humble opinion, i think that it depends on the person. Not everyone is like that. I've read in the newspapers, of working prisoners (prisoners who work in prison and get paid peanuts) who donate their saved up salaries to tsunami victims. There are other prisoners who have repent.
I believe in second chances. I believe in 'experience is the best teacher'. I want people to tell me where i'm wrong so that i can learn from my mistakes and be a better person.
But this girl i know, she just fires hurtful words at you without justifying anything. And when u want to know what is it u've done so wrong, she asks u to ask someone else. Why hurl such means words at someone? Is it your intention to hurt him and those who love him?? At least tell him what is it that he's done. But no, U just use idioms and throw daggers.
So tempted to --
But ya la, everyone has different opinions. Fine, believe in that idiom, it's your freedom. I believe in second chances. I believe in change. I believe it's inevitable. I believe It's HOPE.
Blog Theraphy
That said, let's move on to blog theraphy. I'm happy because of this! Hahaha. I find it funny. And i find it... cool that my site appears on Google. There'll be a day when Google is full of blogs. I wonder if that person managed with the essay... if u still visit here, i don't mind helping u out...
And and... my bestfriend read my blog!! So honoured to be the first blog she ever read! And the first post she read was the last one, where i talked about the jacket and her. Hehe. And guess whats??? We're going to Sungai Wang later 2 walk around!!!! Because of my post!! Awwwwwww. =) Hahahaha.
To my bestfriend, Love u girl! It's people like u that make this world a better place. No matter how annoying u can be... i'm going to miss u when u leave for Aust. =)
By the way... my marketing assignment 2. 65%. Dissapointing. But it's my fault. Got distracted and did not put in enough effort. Sigh. The exam was ok lar... answered the required questions... And i think it was fine. But i'm scared. Last semester, i thought i did well for my Management but the results turned out to be very bad.
All statements are my views and feelings unless supported. Everything is based on my opinion and what i think, based on the happenings of my life. Do correct me when you think i am wrong (after you have at least read the particular post u want to complain about). I am human and i do make mistakes. I am no angel
Before i get into blog theraphy, first i need to ask a question. Do u believe in the phrase "A leopard never changes its spots"?
In short it means-- theif gets caught, goes to jail, comes out and steals again.
What do u think?? It's a genuine question. But of course, someone did provoke me into writing it.
I strongly disagree with the idiom. In my humble opinion, i think that it depends on the person. Not everyone is like that. I've read in the newspapers, of working prisoners (prisoners who work in prison and get paid peanuts) who donate their saved up salaries to tsunami victims. There are other prisoners who have repent.
I believe in second chances. I believe in 'experience is the best teacher'. I want people to tell me where i'm wrong so that i can learn from my mistakes and be a better person.
But this girl i know, she just fires hurtful words at you without justifying anything. And when u want to know what is it u've done so wrong, she asks u to ask someone else. Why hurl such means words at someone? Is it your intention to hurt him and those who love him?? At least tell him what is it that he's done. But no, U just use idioms and throw daggers.
So tempted to --
But ya la, everyone has different opinions. Fine, believe in that idiom, it's your freedom. I believe in second chances. I believe in change. I believe it's inevitable. I believe It's HOPE.
Blog Theraphy
That said, let's move on to blog theraphy. I'm happy because of this! Hahaha. I find it funny. And i find it... cool that my site appears on Google. There'll be a day when Google is full of blogs. I wonder if that person managed with the essay... if u still visit here, i don't mind helping u out...
And and... my bestfriend read my blog!! So honoured to be the first blog she ever read! And the first post she read was the last one, where i talked about the jacket and her. Hehe. And guess whats??? We're going to Sungai Wang later 2 walk around!!!! Because of my post!! Awwwwwww. =) Hahahaha.
To my bestfriend, Love u girl! It's people like u that make this world a better place. No matter how annoying u can be... i'm going to miss u when u leave for Aust. =)
By the way... my marketing assignment 2. 65%. Dissapointing. But it's my fault. Got distracted and did not put in enough effort. Sigh. The exam was ok lar... answered the required questions... And i think it was fine. But i'm scared. Last semester, i thought i did well for my Management but the results turned out to be very bad.
Missing Post
Was looking through Ausmat Awards Night pix yesterday. Started missing so many people. They left Sunway for other courses in other universities, many in foreign land. I wasn't that close to many of them but when u look back, can't help but miss them. The bad thing about being in a one year course is that it just passes u by so quickly.
Throughout this year, i started becoming closer to the Ausmat 04s who remained in Sunway/Monash. There are people i was never friends with last year, roughly knew their names and faces but have never spoken to them then. This year, i became relatively closer to many of them.
There's SI, never actually spoken to her last year though we were in the same Accounting class, if i remember correctly. We became friends through blogging, started with a comment here and a comment there and then whenever we see each other in uni we'd exchange pleasantries-- cheerful hellos with some smiles. =)
There's the foyer gang... they used to be the Student Centre gang, i was never close to the last year (except a few) but this year... let's just say so much has happened.
Then there's K. It's sad. We used to be so close. But for some reason... that's not the case anymore.
There are so many more ex-Ausmats... I won't go into details.
But i have to write about M. Wasn't even sure who she was last year. Heard her name but had no idea who she is until this year. Became quite close this year. Eating lunch together... Sitting right in the front during lecture. =) Haha, our little geek group. I'm going to miss her when she goes off to Australia next year.
I'm going to miss PL too!! All her chatter... gonna miss that. Gonna miss falling asleep in accounting class together!
It's annoying how fast time flies...
And u know how everyone would rather go to college than to STPM? I still believe that college is far far better... i can still remember how happy i was on the first day of Ausmat 2004, it was also the 1st day of school and i was so shit happy i didn't have 2 cut my long long finger nails! Hahaha. And nothing beats chucking out those light blue skirts and collared shirts, replacing them with a more comfortable new 'uniform'-- jeans and t-shirts. Hehe.
But the horrible thing about college is that everyone seems to be so rich. There're all flying off to Australia and leaving me behind!
Be patient, my turn will come. Hehehehe.
Throughout this year, i started becoming closer to the Ausmat 04s who remained in Sunway/Monash. There are people i was never friends with last year, roughly knew their names and faces but have never spoken to them then. This year, i became relatively closer to many of them.
There's SI, never actually spoken to her last year though we were in the same Accounting class, if i remember correctly. We became friends through blogging, started with a comment here and a comment there and then whenever we see each other in uni we'd exchange pleasantries-- cheerful hellos with some smiles. =)
There's the foyer gang... they used to be the Student Centre gang, i was never close to the last year (except a few) but this year... let's just say so much has happened.
Then there's K. It's sad. We used to be so close. But for some reason... that's not the case anymore.
There are so many more ex-Ausmats... I won't go into details.
But i have to write about M. Wasn't even sure who she was last year. Heard her name but had no idea who she is until this year. Became quite close this year. Eating lunch together... Sitting right in the front during lecture. =) Haha, our little geek group. I'm going to miss her when she goes off to Australia next year.
I'm going to miss PL too!! All her chatter... gonna miss that. Gonna miss falling asleep in accounting class together!
It's annoying how fast time flies...
And u know how everyone would rather go to college than to STPM? I still believe that college is far far better... i can still remember how happy i was on the first day of Ausmat 2004, it was also the 1st day of school and i was so shit happy i didn't have 2 cut my long long finger nails! Hahaha. And nothing beats chucking out those light blue skirts and collared shirts, replacing them with a more comfortable new 'uniform'-- jeans and t-shirts. Hehe.
But the horrible thing about college is that everyone seems to be so rich. There're all flying off to Australia and leaving me behind!
Be patient, my turn will come. Hehehehe.
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