I have hairless legs ok? No, i DO have hair on my legs, i am human after all, but it is very fine, very few and very far apart.
I do NOT need to shave

Er... yeah, i got carried away when taking the photo. My new boots were nearby, so i wore them! Hehe.
And then i realized my baggy tee and shorts look awful, so i put on a skirt and a top... =P
Anyway, back to the junk mail. My armpits are fine as well
Would u believe me if i tell u that some grown-up humans totally do not have armpit hair? I'm one of these rare and delicate creatures =D Hahahaha
I'm serious! Totally no armpit hair under my left arm, a few irritating strands on the right. So few, i can pluck larrrrr!
hey..poser la u shoe!
so nice! hehehe..
okok stop making ppl like me jealous coz we're not 'rare and delicate' ok.. so mafan must cut and shave and pluck.. hahaha
HAHAHAHA, but u are tall =P
I'm short... everyone has their own good points?
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