Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Nice date. Didn't realize it till i heard it over the radio on the way to Summit for fake rock climbing with R.

Sign up for a short course. Where they teach ya how to tie the ropes for safety. Confusing... but i managed. Still alive and Blogging right? Hehe.

Me, me, me! Hahaha. Thanks R for bringing a cam n sending me the pix!

Also taught how 2 be a belayer, the person who... arrrgh, this post is hard to write. The person who... stands at the bottom and er... make sure the climber doesn't fall, while the climber climbs??? Climber n belayer are connected by a pulley.

Was surprised that after the guy taught me the stuff, he left R and i alone! We had to support each other n stuff. Requires teamwork. Scary at 1st but really fun!

I climbed all the beginners walls! Hahahaha. Asked R to climb the harder ones 4 me to see! Kesihan, he says he always brings different people there and people they make him the guinea! Hahahah.

But as the lady at the counter said, he's lucky to have so many people to be his belayer.

Guess what's that! Looks like something out of Fear Factor!!!

I made the guinea pig climb first!! Scary just watching. The thing swayed and the safety rope kinda... twisted around the thing! But he made it right to the top. Looks so easy.

Till i tried it! Hahahahahaha. 1st teer already so scared. Stupid thing swayed so much. R was very encouraging (aka dun wanna let me down! Hahaha). So slowly climb lor. Until the third teer.

Only a bit more to the top, but the planks on top looked to difficult... didn't know that i'm suppose hold the rope in the middle... well there's always next time. =P

Going down's always fun! Hehe. Just hang there n let the belayer slowly let ya down.

Then there was this huge pillar with the fake rocks on it... it's supposed to be for endurance ... cuz all u had to do was climb around it... your feet would be less than two feet from the ground, the hard part is clinging to the wall! Haha. I coudn't even make one round!

Seeeeeeeee, what i've got! Haha. Makes me so proud of myself!

RM10 for the course + RM5 for the special shoes + RM4 for the harness + RM6 (student price) for climbing = RM25 for the experience.

After that i felt soooo hungry. Went for nasi lemak. Chit chat. Then i stopped by uni, damn them, they refuse to adjust my subject clash for me! Then went home and played with Coco. Before i even finished my shower, i was already sooo hungry again.

Even after dinner, i was still hungry... craving all sorts of food. But being a girl, its sad, damned 'reduced eating', i just lied in bed, hungry, and read Da Vinci Code. About 1/4 done yeah!!! Haha.

Sorry lar, but i dun find pleasure in mysteries. Didn't even enjoy the movie, i was blur most of the time. The book... made me less blur. But who said that once u read it u can't put it down? Maybe the movie spoiled the book 4 me? Or maybe i'm not far into the book yet? Whatever the case, i MUST finish it. Really cannot tahan the way that girl spoke to me...

Its readable lar. Not like its... er... complicated or too flowery. It's just draggy (to me). And what for u describe architecture in great lengths? Gimme a picture with captions please! But the flashbacks on Langdon's classes n Silas made things clearer for me. Was too blur to decipher what the movie meant... Haha. Been seeing the word 'decipher' too much lately, makes me wanna use it! Haha

Note 1 : Hey, thanks E, for being so open minded, not minding me going out with a guy friend =)

Note 2 : Dinner is rice + 1.5 drumsticks! (Haha, they're chopped) + veggie + luncheon meat and egg + one tall glass of Ribena and about 20ml of Coke! Hahahaha.

Note 3 : Oh... both my arms are aching all over. Even my shoulders n ribs are aching too! (Added 1740, 21/6/2006)


viper said...

Sue Lin,
Sure a good experiencing climbing up all the tiers...hmmm, sure one of the Fear Factor challenge for those having afraid of height syndrome...

Sue Lin said...

Hey Viper, yup, it was fun! Not really afraid of heights. More afraid of eating strange stuff! Thanks for commenting =)

Jazzy*Pam said...

Hey, COOL! ;D

Sue Lin said...

Haha, Cher, it was!

Anonymous said...

any girls up for a date to go climbing? haha.. just kidding, but seriously. Haha.. thats lame. Yeah! climbing is always fun as it is not just tough physically but also mentally. Anyone is welcome to join. =)

Sue Lin said...

Haha, Ryan, thanks for being nice to my other Blog readers! Hahaha. Hope they'll go!

Who's up for it?? I've only got 3 weeks of holiday left!!! Call me, sms me! Leave me a comment!

She's Jess said...

hey... quite interesting and adventurous :p

i am sure i don't hav the guts to go for it

Sue Lin said...

Jess, thanks! =) I enjoy doing these sort of crazy things!
Thats why i'm really thankful E allowed me to go. Its not like E could bring me there! Hahaha.

E, u are coming with us the next time we go. Want u to meet R. If u can, find him a girl! Hahahaha

I think my father would have never allowed me to climb the wood thing!

Anonymous said...

Ala!.. find a girl for me? make me sound so sad. I'm hurt. Haha

Sue Lin said...

Haha, good then, he says he can't even find a girl for his bestfriend! So sure cannot find 4 u anyway