Sunday, February 26, 2006

Stop That Nose!

My nose is running!!! Help...

Stupid flu. Urrg... Went through my stupid normal cycle.

Day 1: Wake up with terrible sore throat
Day 2: Wake up with no voice and a cough
Day 3: Wake up with my nose running

What a nice way to end my holidays! Wasting the last few days resting. Yuck.

And it's not like the resting helped all that much. I'll be going to uni tomorrow with a cough anyway. (Hopefully the flu goes away)

Ever cried when u had flu?? Somehow that causes mucus production to increase like hell. Why was i crying?? Childish reasons. I know i'm not right but i can't help feeling jealous.

Anyway. I wonder how would the new year in Monash go. Many familiar faces won't be around no more. PL, M, KT, JS - Monash Ausmats who transfered. Ed, HL - Monash friends of mine who got accepted for student exchange. Especially Ce - who is already in South Africa on exchange. Really really gonna miss them.

I wonder. Will it be the same this year?? Are we still friends?? Does the _____ gang still exist? Did the 4 months apart heal the wounds or did it drift us apart even further??

Or will it be totally different this year??


Jocelyn said...

I think ur nose ran away with my nose. I guess they are running away from the bird flu. Hahaha... not funny to be sick, rite?

Oh, good luck in the new sem. :)

Sue Lin said...

Hahahaha, that's funny!

But yup, not fun being sick. Skin on my nose hurts from all that blowing! And hard to breathe

Thanks!! Are u on holidays??

She's Jess said...

Hey... take care ya!

And yea.. if we are destined to be friends, we will be no matter what.. I mean... no point of worrying on things that is beyong our control right?

Who knows.. you'll have a better yr?

Sue Lin said...

Hey, thanks Jess, really =)

I hope so, really hope so. I'll write about today now...

She's Jess said...

No prob!

Anyway... am glad to know you :)

Jocelyn said...

Me? On holiday? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I'm like right smack in the middle of a semester

No, I'm not on holiday. We only get 3 semester breaks a year. And each last for about 4 weeks or less. :)