Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Tuesday Travel Post

Spray painted on my left leg, in pink, are fading stenciled words saying "I love Vang Vieng"

I also had a lock of hair spray painted pink =)

There'll be lots to blog about! Took tonnes of pix, i slipped and fell in mud with my camera. Its still working thankfully. My butt hurts though =P

Definitely wanna come back! The only thing that might stop me is time


Sue Lin said...

Misses that day so so much =( Wrote that post after shower and dinner. Went online using Domon River Guesthouse's free internet. The guesthouse owner shut down the other computers at 10pm but told me i could use the computer for as long as i wanted...

Sue Lin said...

Added a picture i have been using as my msn profile picture for some time now