Monday, December 03, 2007

Holiday too Long

So messed up la my bank account n my spending... lost count n so stressful to make it balance.

No time to blog really... there are some pictures but no time to select and blog.

Starting work tomorrow. Just part time in a fast food joint. Not a permanent job yet, had to add that cuz when i started my internship this time last year, a senior started her permanent job in the same company n department as me...

Spent 60 bucks applying for the work permit and 40 bucks buying shoes for work today... the whole week's worth of pay would be to merely cover expenses. Suckyyy

Somemore, its training n trying out for the work tomorrow... possible that i dont get the job. Wish me luck!


She's Jess said...

Hey... all the best & hav fun in yr work

Sue Lin said...

Thanks! Gonna blog about tht now! =)