Bought lots of brand new things!
3 formal shirts, a belt, underwear,
3 pairs of black bras (cuz its cheap at RM11 each, simple, comfy - can be worn to work),
1 top can be either casual / work and another
casual white top. For for RM 255, well within my RM300 budget! ; ) Lunch and parking RM 13

Love this shirt the most. Thats my new belt from
Sisley, its actually black/blue RM20...
Note: Mini skirt is for camwhore purposes, forbidden to wear anything tht short in my line of profession.
Impressed with how thin my leg looks (yes, i was a lot bigger
)= gym's working (= been doing weights - up to 25pounds for inner thighs, 20 lbs for outer, and 10kg for squats)
Not super cheap at
RM60 for a warehouse sale, but alright for a shirt of its kind, i guess.
Love the collar, and the colour
Shopping trail -
Triumph warehouse sale at Jaya 33 - >
Padini sale at Sogo - >
United Colours of Benetton sale at Dewan Siti Hasmah (i think) in TTDI
One of them's our audit client, thts how i got the mail blast advertising the sale, the other two, my trusty
Ex-Study Partner knew about and brought me there! =) Love her! It was a great day shopping and catching up (while queueing up =)
Truly yours,
Bargain Bitch
Thurs, May 7 - Excited ! ! ! ! !Going shopping tomorrow!!!!! Can't wait!
Pardon the sakai-ness in me, this gurl hasn't shopped since
FEBRUARYU get me?!
Oh so happy!
Hope i'll come home tomorrow with lots of new things!