Friday, September 14, 2007

Last Individual Assignment

for my degree.

All but one of my individual assignments were handed out on the brink of due time. Like if it was sue at 5pm, i'd hand it out at like, 4.57pm or 4.58pm...

I have vivid recollections of speeding in my Kancil on the Kesas highway, instead of toll-free federal highway... just to make it by 5pm. And then i'd rush into uni and used 'my shortcut' to get to the fourth floor to flip the assg into the assg box.

Always sweat like mad in Msia, especially if i had to run.

If i ever do post grad/honours in another campus, i'm definitely going to remember rushing out of this house and running through the fly kite place, and then walk quickly from the traffic light onwards (cuz i got no stamina to run all the way. I'd be out of breath =P).

All without breaking a sweat though cuz of the cold cold weather...


supplementals said...

Hey, least your public transport there is reliable!

Sue Lin said...

HUH? What does that have to do with my post?

Anyway, its definitely more reliable thn Msia but wayyyyy more more expensive.

Oh and at nights and Sundays the buses are reliably INfrequent...

Jacqueline said...

I think supplementals is trying to say, even if you need to rush in Australia, you can rely on their buses? Im M'sia... Errrm.. you need to wait the bus for hours if you dont own a car.... Lol!

Sue Lin said...

Hahah, the thing is, i WALK/RUN to uni. No need to take any buses or trains to get to uni