Jac yeahhh, too bad we picked the WRONG restaurant when we were there, it really sucked! =(
Supp thanksss!! =) It wasnt intentional, i selected the pictures i wanted some time ago and when i started the editing i just cooked up what to right while deciding the sequence in which to publish the pictures
Plus, no one is paying me! So its freedom of speech all the way
A decade ago, this blog meant so much to me. I loved posting and writing stories. Then i slowed down from 2012 onwards, life got in the way,...
All statements are my views and feelings unless supported.
Everything is based on my opinion and what i think, based on what happened in my life.
Do correct me when you think i may be mistaken. I am human and i do make mistakes.
I am no angel
I refer to everyone by their initials, and sometimes initials overlap, so try not to bother figuring out who i'm talking about- u might get it wrong. The initials are for me to remember the events that took place in my life, not for u to know. Thanks
There are none--yet. So go ahead, take whatever u want from my blog, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Just take note of the below.
Plagiarism is the use of another person's work or ideas as if it were your own. The other person might be an author, critic, lecturer or a blogger.
When it is desirable or necessary to use MY material, take care to include appropriate references; Do not pretend the ideas are your own. Which means, give me credit!
those creatures are called Mud Skippers
I went there during CNY this year... Just for the seafood... =p *yum*
Love how u contrasted everything. Unlike bloody travel ads.
livinindaze thanksss i forgot! Hahaha
Jac yeahhh, too bad we picked the WRONG restaurant when we were there, it really sucked! =(
Supp thanksss!! =) It wasnt intentional, i selected the pictures i wanted some time ago and when i started the editing i just cooked up what to right while deciding the sequence in which to publish the pictures
Plus, no one is paying me! So its freedom of speech all the way
mud skippers looks really scary. like some mutated fish/frog in some movie.
the toilet hole looks pretty scary too. how small is it? looks hard to aim in :S
Isya hahah, yeah it does look like a cross between a fish and a frog!
I cant really remember, um, its a reasonable size? I didnt use it!
Nicely taken photos. May I know what camera you are using for these?
Wow! Thanks for the compliments Shyue Chou!
Two cameras were used, one is my Canon Ixux 800 (6 megapixels) and my mom's Konica Minolta Dimage Z20 (5megapixels)
To be honest, i did do some minor computer editing to the brightness and contrast of the photos here
Ohhhh...I like this post! So interesting-ly written. I like how you made fun of the toilets.
Just a quick one to say I dropped by hehe
Hey there, thought i'd leave a word of encouragement.
Your gilaness will get you places!
JOEY!!!!! So glad and pleasantly surprised when E told me u dropped by! Ur comment really made me happy! =D Thank u so much for your compliments!
Supp awwwwww, i really didnt expect that! Thanks man! Happy u think so! I do my best, the rest is up to fate
Grammar correction in Nov 25 Comment: ...just cooked up what to *write...
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