When i got home, my sister was already logged onto the site and was watching the video clip.
My cousin and his fiance walks down the aisle
Stood before the priest Phrases in the speech made them smile
Wedding vows
Exchange rings
They light the candle together to represent two lives merging
Husband and wife's kiss
The end
So simple, so different, definitely the first in my family
that's really something different. no one else attended the wedding??
when i saw ur title, i imagined elvis performing the ceremony. hehe.
Isya, looks like no one attended. My cousin probably smsed his dad who smsed my father who smsed me to watch it. I seriously have no idea.
Definitely no Elvis la! HAHAHHAHA
Dawn yeah =D I watched it four times!
so cool! i wouldn't mind that actually..
Hahhaah, really Serene?! =)
waa that must hve been really spur of the moment!! its kinda sad no one else was there though..especially parents and family? =S
Hey Adam, been ages since i last spoke to u! I was shocked that no one was there too. I thought my uncle would have went la, just thought that since its so far away we werent invited, understandably, but before i saw it i expected my Uncle n Aunt to be there...
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